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100 volunteers in Utah Valley deliver groceries to those who can’t go out

Many people can just hop in the car and go grocery shopping, but for those who are sick or high risk, shopping for themselves may not be an option.

That’s where 100 volunteers in Utah Valley come into play.

Chris Shelton, Heather Nielsen and a group of their friends recognized they, as college students, were young and healthy and could help out other people who may be at risk during the pandemic...

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KSL 5 News

Volunteers Offer Free Grocery Delivery For People Staying Home

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – In the age of “stay safe, stay home,” a group of college students has launched an effort to help the most vulnerable population stay healthy by offering a service to get them what they need most: groceries.

“People who are healthy and are taking precautions to not transfer disease of any kind are willing to help out,” said John Lindsay, a student at Brigham Young University...


Lehi Free Press

College students provide free shopping and delivery service

More than a month ago John Lindsey, a senior at Brigham Young University, read a BBC News story about college kids delivering groceries to elderly and at-risk people in their neighborhoods. Days later, Lindsey and two friends launched Utah Valley COVID-19 Rescue, an army of volunteers shopping for and delivering groceries to anyone who needs or wants the service...

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